Modern JavaScript | C++ | Java | TypeScript | Python | Ruby | C | Fortran | Assembly | Excel VBA |
PostgreSQL | MongoDB | SQL Server |
React | Tailwind | Angular | Jekyll (JamStack) | Vanilla JS | Material Design | CSS | HTML | Sass |
Node | Express |
Operating Systems
Windows | Linux: Ubuntu | Embedded Linux | Bare metal |
Docker | WSL2 | VirtualBox | VMware |
Cloud Hosting
AWS | Vercel | Netlify | Supabase | Heroku | Digital Ocean | Linode | Cloudflare |
Tableau |
Data Science & Machine Learning
Jupyter Notebook / Lab | Anaconda |
Mathematical Languages
Matlab | Mathematica | R |
git | bash | RegExp | make | VS Code | Eclipse | slack | Antlr | ninja | JSON | XML | Agile |
Recent Courses & Certifications
Completed Udemy courses with Certifications
Android Beginners Guide To Create A Weather Forecast App
Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide
Git & GitHub with Eclipse, Android studio & IntelliJ
Jupyter Notebook for Data Science
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
Tableau for Data Science with R and Python
The Complete Cloud Computing Course for Beginners
The Python Bibleā¢: Everything You Need to Program in Python
Vite js bundler : Build fast modern WebappVite js bundler
WSL 2, Docker, Kali Linux and Windows Terminal - get started
Programming Certifications
Java SE 8 Programmer I Certification